Sunday, January 6, 2013

New Beginnings Await

So here we are - one year and 365 postcards later!

I can't believe that I actually did it!

What I am mostly amazed by is that something so small and insignificant can create waves big enough to create change.

What have a gained?

I have gained the self confidence that I can see something through that seems big at first and impossible from the outset.

I learned to set small enough goals in order to tackle a big project.

I have gained greater artistic capacity simply by doing and studying different art media.

I have reconnected with old friends and gained new ones.

I have allowed myself the artistic 20 minutes a day that I so crave.

I have placed the thought of Others into the forefront of my mental activity and thus battled negative thoughts and worries.

I have had something to talk about at dinner parties where there was nothing else to be said :)

I have done something slightly crazy that has no purpose other than completing the goal itself.

I have gained so much and am sad to go... but new projects await me. A Bat Mitzvah to be focused on at first and then more artistic adventures!  

Stay tuned for my newest blog and artistic endeavor  B'Samim: Spicing up Jewish Life with Crafts.
Check out my new blog:

363/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA
364/365, sent to St. Paul. MN
365/365, sent to Giessen, Germany
Bonus, by guest artist Yonah L.
Bonus, by guest artists Ana L. and Yonah L.