Thursday, July 19, 2012

half-point mark

I still can't believe that July 1 has past and I made it beyond the half-point mark of my 365 postcards.  I am thinking back to that winter day when I browsed through the local bookstore for inspiration and I walked out with an idea to create a postcard for a year. At that point, I had so many questions, as to how I would do it, if I could do it, to whom to send the cards, how to document the process, how to muster up determination and stamina and how to come up with 365 different images? 192 days into the project, lots of questions have been answered and I feel humbled by the process. One of my goals has been to practice art without having an excuse and I do see progress in my artistic expression. But more than that, I see that I am able to stick to a promise and that I have the discipline to follow through. I am also amazed how the receivers of cards sort of just pop up as I go on with my life. I am inspired by what somebody says or thankful for a deed that somebody did and "Voila!" another postcard recipient is determined. It still amazes me that something so small can have such a huge impact on my life. I am glad I still have 173 postcards to create.

187/365, sent to Seattle, WA

188/365, sent to Olympia, WA

189/365, sent to Seattle, WA

190/365, sent to Olympia, WA

191/365, sent to Giessen, Germany

192/365, sent to Seattle, WA

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