Wednesday, July 25, 2012

loss and celebration in one week

Last week a dear friend and important member of our community died unexpectedly. He was hiking in the mountains with friends and his heart just gave up on him.  Gazing at the nature surrounding him, his last words were, "This is amazing."  Just like that the reality of those loved-ones he leaves behind changes into a nightmare. Below postcards go out to his wife and those who amazingly support the family during this immense tragedy. We will miss him dearly.
At the same time, we attended a Bar Mitzvah at our synagogue and the community pulled itself together after this great loss and was able to celebrate with the Bar Mitzvah boy.  The fourth postcard is inspired by the young boy's sermon - a strong calling to all of us to take good care of this earth for future generations.

193/365, sent to Seattle, WA

194/365, sent to Seattle, WA

195/365, sent to Olympia, WA, designed and written by guest artist Ephi

196/365, hand-delivered in Seattle, WA

197/365, hand-delivered in Seattle, WA

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