Friday, February 24, 2012


Last week I received an e-mail from an old friend of mine, whom I haven't seen or spoken to in ten years. She had received one of my postcards and was thrilled to have heard from me. The last time I saw her, was when I visited my old home town and we just ran into each other at the local playground. Both of us with multiple kids in tow and strapped to our backs. We were not the closest friends during High School, but close enough to spend many sleepless weekends together dancing or day-dreaming. Close enough to venture on our first big Euro-rail travel together (amongst other friends) and to explore the hottest summer on record in Greece on foot, train and bus. What does reconnecting now mean to both of us? Maybe just reminiscing in old memories or maybe even securing old ties and rebuilding an old friendship. In any case, it was lovely hearing from her and catching up after a long silence. 51/365, to Brookline, MA
50/365, to Montreal, Canada
49/365, to Seattle, WA
48/365, to Seattle, WA
47/365, to Seattle, WA

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