Monday, May 21, 2012

pleasures of gardening

Last year have we discovered the pleasures of gardening.  It was then that we put in two vegetable beds in our yard, one of which produced incredible amounts of beautiful, luscious kale and lettuce.  This year, we relocated the less productive bed to a new spot in our parking strip.  We planted beets, peas and carrots and, alas, the seeds have transformed into starts and the peas are growing an inch a day.  What a lovely and exciting miracle to witness.  In addition, it has been our family tradition that each child gets one tomato plant that she/he nurtures throughout the summer.  This year, on top of the children's cherry tomatoes in individual containers, we have received three beautiful starts from an acquaintance.  Below are images of all the produce we hope to harvest this year.  Can't wait to taste the fruits of this years season!

129/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

130/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

131/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

132/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

133/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue

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