Tuesday, January 10, 2012

designer lense

An undertaking like this requires some discipline. I have to make it a priority to carve out the time to think of ideas, to do the actual art and to then sit down to write a card. When being pulled in all different directions, the act of creating and writing can be quite grounding. Throughout the day, I look at the world with a designer lense - which image may be appropriate for my next card, what symbol is pretty enough to replicate, what artist inspires me. When I am at the dentist, instead of being preoccupied with the filling I am getting, I am looking at the machinery to find an interesting motif. The mundane tasks for folding laundry and cooking dinner become a little lighter, because my mind is busy thinking about art.

1/14/12, to La, CA

1/13/12, to LA/CA

1/12/12, to Seattle, WA

1/11/12, to Frankfurt, Germany

1/10/12, to Braunfels, Germany

1/9/12, to Berlin, Germany

1/8/12, to Washington, D.C.

1/7/12, to Berlin, Germany

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