Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Snow Days in Seattle

We woke up to 5 inches of snow this morning. Schools are canceled, no cars on the roads, everything is white and beautiful and calm. Aside from going out sledding, cross-country skiing and building jumps for the slope, the kids had some tasks assigned to them. They were invited to act as guest artists in my postcard project. After some complaints, all three kids were actually involved in creating art for part of the morning. Below I am pleased to announce guest creators Ana and Ephi Light.
An impression from the snow day: Taking a walk this morning I thought for sure that the mail was on hold and the postal service not working. But, alas, I saw at least one mail woman faithfully delivering her loads of important mail amongst unimportant advertisement. I was impressed and felt a little sorry for her to do such a hard job for what must mostly be junk mail! Let's write more letters so that the mail men/women actually have meaningful work to do!

20/365, to Bliesdorf, Germany, by guest artist Ephi Light

19/365, to New Jersey, by guest artist Ana Light

18/365, to Brookline, MA

17/365, to Jever, Germany

16/365, to Pelham, MA

15/365, Seattle, WA

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