Tuesday, April 3, 2012


It seems that most of my cards are made in collaboration with children. It has always given me the greatest pleasure to sit around our dining room table and do arts and crafts with my kids. I find that I am inspired by their uninhibited creativity and fantasy. Two of the cards below incorporate drawings by my six year old son - the postcards would loose their charm without his input. On the same note, I was so pleased to receive my first home-made postcard. The daughter of a friend designed her own card and sent it to me. What a treat! I hope there are more to come! As an incentive, I will return the favor and send you an art card as well.

89/365, sent to Potsdam, Germany

90/365, sent to Jever, Germany

91/365, sent to Jever, Germany

92/365, received from Potsdam, Germany

93/365, sent to Koenigswinter, Germany

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