Monday, April 16, 2012


We spent the nicest week traveling in warm and sunny California visiting with family in Los Angeles and exploring Santa Barbara.  I was not sure if I was ready for the challenge to travel and still continue creating my cards.  I must admit that I worked ahead a bit - just to not run behind during our trip.  But I was pleasantly surprised to find that while I had limited supplies at hand, I experienced no lack of stimulation.  When you are on vacation your eyes open up in a different way.  Curiosity takes the place of boredom.  You can see like a child once more, your eyes wide open taking everything in as if you had never seen it before.  Time also shifts as every day demands dissipate.  The time spent waiting at the airport or for the family to get ready, is conveniently used pulling out pens and drawing something that spikes my interest. 

99/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA

100/365, sent to Braunfels, Germany, guest artist Yonah
101/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA
102/365, sent to Seattle, WA

103/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA

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