Monday, April 23, 2012


For my birthday a few weeks ago, I received three large sets of art pens and colored pencils (thank you, dear family).  I love the special containers the pens and pencils live in - each pen has a place on its own.  So far I have been careful enough to place each pencil back to where it belongs.  I can't believe what difference it makes to use quality art materials.  The images are brighter and it is so much more fun to be able to differentiate between different shades of greens, blues and yellows.  At the same time, I feel that the bar is raised and that my personal expectations are higher than they have been in the past.  Does better supplies always mean higher expectations or better art?  

104/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA

105/365, sent to Seattle, WA

106/365, sent to ....Germany

107/365, sent to  ... Ontario

108/365, sent to Sammamish, WA

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