Tuesday, August 14, 2012

breakfast in Germany

What is your typical breakfast? Do you slurp up soggy cereal in the morning? Do you munch on a granola bar or bite into a cold pizza? No matter what you eat when you wake up it is called breakfast. I went to Germany with my family and realized that the breakfast we ate there was so different than here in Seattle. Every morning my brother and I would skip to a nearby bakery, there we would buy 4 croissants,1 rye bun and 2 normal milk buns. And if we felt like we needed to eat something sweet, we would buy a cinnamon bun. Then we would skip back home holding 3 bags of bread buns!

"There are so many different sweet spreads to put on my croissant, how will I choose between Nutella and honey with quark?" At last the decision was made and I put an "Eszet Schnitte" (a thin slice of chocolate) and butter on my croissant. This may sound weird to put chocolate on bread? But for a German, cereal sounds completely strange.

I know what I want to try for breakfast next summer ------ Panini (the Italian breakfast).

Written by guest blogger: Ana L. (12 yr)

208/365, sent to Seattle

209/365, sent to Seattle

210/365, sent to Ojai, CA, made by guest artist Yonah L. (6)

211/365, sent from Braunfels, Germany to LA, CA

213/365, sent from Jever, Germany to Seattle, WA

214/365, sent from Jever, Germany to Seattle, WA 

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