Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Kinderegg and other yummy treats

This blog entry pays tribute to all the delicious treats to be sampled in Germany:  Great chocolate, yummy gummy bears, not too sweet marzipan, like anise tasting licorice and - on the savory end of the spectrum - Italian inspired pizza (which indeed tastes quite different from the variety available in the US). But the truly best treat is the thinly coated milk and dark chocolate egg that holds the promise of a plastic surprise: The Kinderegg.  Heads off to the German candy manufacturer! The surprise is an intricately thought out toy that needs putting together and is accompanied by a sheet of instructions and stickers. Once you unraveled the whole thing, you cannot ever put it back the way it came and you just have to wonder, how in the world it was assembled in the first place. If you have never had a Kinderegg - it is worth the trip to Germany (or Canada, which might just be slightly more cost efficient). Enjoy!

224/365, sent from Braunfels to Washington, DC

225/365, sent from Braunfels to Braunfels

226/365, sent from Braunfels to Los Angeles

guest artist Yonah L. with postcards in front of a German post box 

guest artist Yonah L. depositing postcards into a German post box

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