Friday, November 9, 2012

blog audience

Blogspot has this great feature where you can check the statistics of your blog. I enjoy looking to see how many times my blog has been clicked a day.  But more interesting than that is the feature which analyzes my audience.  I can find out where in the entire world mazecard is being visited.  While most clicks are made in the US and Germany, there are also lots of followers in other countries:  Russia, Canada, France, Switzerland to name a few and places as exotic as South Korea and Singapore.   I am wondering to myself how people get to this site and what they think of it.  Was it just a happenstance or do people follow the project on a regular basis?  An invitation once again, to all of you out there reading this blog, I'd love to send you a card if you leave me your name and address in the comment box.

298/365, sent to Kassel, Germany
299/365, sent to Owings Mills, MD
300/365, sent to New York, NY
301/365, sent to Seattle, WA
302/365, have not yet found adressee's address

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