Wednesday, November 14, 2012

journey into the unknown

These funny creatures are once again inspired by Carla Sonheim's new book Imaginary Animals.  They are made out of the interior of old envelopes and the pages of an antique German kids book.  Varnish is painted over the collage and the animals are drawn in pencil.
This set of postcards was sent to friends I have long lost touch with.  I am not sure if the cards will make it to their destination - most likely they will not, since the addresses in my address book were outdated.  I sent these cards on to a journey into the unknown - hoping that somehow the cards will make it to their destination - or else that somebody on route might enjoy them.

303/365, sent to Bern, Switzerland

304/365, sent to Brooklyn, NY

305/365, sent to Hamburg, Germany

306/365, hand delivered in Seattle

307/365, sent to Seattle, WA

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