Monday, March 26, 2012

birthday week

In our family, three out of five birthdays fall onto one week.  There is a lot of hustle and bustle of baking cakes, buying gifts, planning parties and still enjoying family time together.  The first year my daughter was born, she was my 'birthday present' to my husband, whose birthday is a day after hers.  It was all adrenaline and excitement in the hospital then - with chocolate cake delivered by the extended family.  At that time, we did not think ahead that this baby would turn 12 years some day and be her own beautiful person - inside out.  But here we are, 12 years later, still giving birth in some ways to a child growing into her own and on her way picking up bits and pieces from us.  Happy birthday!   

78/365, sent to Pelham, MA

80, 365, hand-delivered in Seattle

81/365, sent to Pelham, MA, guest artist: Ana Light

82/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

83/365, sent to Burlington, Vermont

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