Friday, March 2, 2012


I am always looking for inspiration. At the library, I will take out any book that remotely has to do with art instruction. Most of the books I will brouse through, do one or two exercises and then return without much gain. Not so with the Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists, by Carla Sonheim.
I don't remember how I came about the book, but Carla Sonheim is a local artist who inspires beginners and seasoned artists alike to look at art in a fun way. Her book and online classes focus on allowing oneself to be SILLY. Her guidance allows me to take art not quite so serious, but to have fun with it. She encourages everyone to find that inner child and just play with pens, crayons, collage or anything that you have readily available. Most of my mixed-media art has been inspired by her book. For your own inspiration, please visit Carla's blog

59/365, to Seattle, WA
60/365, to Seattle, WA
61/365, to Karlsruhe, Germany
62/365, to Garbarone, Botswana
63/365, to Frankfurt, Germany

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