Tuesday, March 20, 2012


During the last eight weeks, I have attended a class on mindfulness. I have learned to focus my mind on the moment and be present in the here and now. The practice can be done as meditation - during which it is fascinating to see how busy our minds are. The more powerful experience is to practice mindfulness in the everyday experience. Where are my thoughts when I am eating breakfast, where do I wander off to when I am driving along the street, what am I thinking about when I am folding the laundry? Needless to say, it is rare that we are really aware of what is happening to us and our bodies in the moment. The planning and scheming mind occupies most of our attention. I do find, however, that when I create my daily postcard, I can more easily surrender to the present moment. Art is a form of meditation.
74/365, to Seattle, WA
75/365, to Mountain View, CA
76/365, to Seattle, WA
77/365, to ???
79/365, to Rochester, NY

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