Friday, September 7, 2012

Anniversary, Seattle Storm and High Tea

This week was filled with so many fun activities. First, my husband and I celebrated our 15th anniversary. Unbelievable, how quickly time passes. I remember how we got dressed up in our wedding gown and suit on our 10th anniversary and walked down the street with our kids - equally dolled up for the occasion.  This year was the hottest day of the year and we celebrated with an air-conditioned Sushi lunch.

Next, we were invited to attend a Seattle Storm game with lots of exciting entertainment during the breaks. While the Storm sadly lost this game, we got to see first hand Olympian gold medal winners in action on the court.

The fun was topped off by High Tea served to us by a dear friend of ours who went through a lot of trouble and prepared these delicate miniature sandwiches, scones, lemon curd and whipped cream. We came for tea and ate enough that it lasted for dinner. What a treat!

232/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

233/365, sent to Seattle, WA

234/365, sent to Seattle, WA, guest artist Yonah L. (6)

235/365, hand-delivered in Seattle, WA

236/365, sent to Seattle, WA, guest artist Ana L. (12)

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