Friday, September 21, 2012

Who is the next recipient?

At times it is challenging to come up with yet another recipient for one of my postcards, while other times I have a long line up of people. Just this week, I was not sure where to send the next postcard to and I used a trick that my friend had suggested. I wrote a card to an anonymous reader at our local library branch. I placed the card between pages of a book by my favorite author: Barbara Kinsolver (The Poisonwood Bible). There is a little bit of a thrill every time I walk into the library space to guess whether the book has been taken out yet and the card has found an owner.  If you, dear reader, are interested in receiving a postcard, I would like to invite you to drop me a comment with your name and address so I can send you a card.

248/365, sent to Seattle, WA

249/365, sent to Seattle, WA

250/365, placed into a book at our local library

251/365, sent to Jim's Body Shop in Seattle

252/ 365, sent to Seattle, WA

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