Tuesday, September 25, 2012

change - Happy New Year

I have been thinking a lot about change lately. Every New Year and birthday we come up with a new plan of how we want our lives to be changed. Quit smoking, take on more responsibility, loose weight, spend more time with family, learn a new skill. These goals are wonderful and might work for the first few weeks, but the enthusiasm quickly wains and before we know it we go back to our old habits. So, how do you instill change that lasts?

I am no expert, but this postcard project has taught me one or two things: 1. Aim for a small goal that can be completed in less than half an hour per day. 2. Set a goal that is not intimidating, but uplifting and builds on what you are already good at. 3. Create a structure around the task that holds you to it, e.g. a blog, a daily chart, a buddy or a circle of friends who can cheer you on. 4. Set aside a time slot when the task can be completed - make it a habitual part of your day. 5. Don't be discouraged by set backs or mistakes - they are part of the plan. Without mistakes no learning. The goal is a process not a product! 6. Try to have fun with it and be creative - think of new ways to engage your senses.

253/365, sent to Bellevue, WA

254/365, sent to Bellevue, WA

255/365, sent to Los Angeles, CA

256/365, sent to Los Angeles/The Valley, CA

257/365, sent to Seattle, WA

258/365, sent to Seattle, WA

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