Sunday, September 30, 2012

in the news

For this multimedia project, I first printed the negative shape of a leaf onto the postcards. Then, I used decorative paper and various waterproof markers to line out the wiggly creatures filling in the blank. The process was utterly satisfying as it combined my love for printmaking and the use of a variety of other collage media.

One of these postcards went out to Emily Alhadeff, Associate Editor of the Seattle JTNews. Emily skillfully crafted an article about my postcard challenge, the link to which you can find below. Ever since the article appeared, so many people have come up to me and congratulated me on the project. The nicest comment was by a synagogue congregant who thanked me for being open to the interview and for inspiring her to take on her own creative endeavor. Yeah!

259/365, sent to Seattle, WA

260/365, sent to Seattle, WA

261/365, sent to San Francisco, CA

262/365, sent to Mercer Island, WA 

263/365, sent to Philadelphia, PA

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