Tuesday, December 25, 2012

collective calm

Each tradition and religion has scheduled moments of collective calm. Judaism turns inward every seventh day, the Sabbath. The Best Day in Islam falls on Friday.  Christianity has the Sunday to relax and sit back. We turn silent on a daily basis in prayer or meditation. It is rare, however, in American culture, that the entire population quiets down at the same time. There are only three days where the nation retreats into the private domain without shopping opportunities: Thanksgiving, Christmas Day and New Years Day. It is the enveloping silence on these days - that is the most pervasive quiet I have experienced in this culture.  Growing up in Germany, the entire country settles down every Sunday, when the stores are closed and nothing, absolutely nothing is there to consume.  The pulse of the society is resting and rejuvenating in literally doing no business at all.  I love to feel these moments of mutual rest that open up opportunities for creativity and moments of sharing and bonding.

352/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue

353/365, sent to Bern, Switzerland

354/365, sent to Seattle, WA

355, 365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, Wa

356/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

357/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

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