Friday, December 7, 2012

December reflections

I can't believe it is December already! Has it really been almost a year since I started my postcard adventures? I was thinking me crazy then to undertake such a "senseless" endeavor. I still have vivid memories of the first days in January, when I was trying to figure out the logistics of things. I was taking it day by day then without having much of a system in place. I was nervous that people would judge me for each postcard that was not perfect. It has been a long and at times challenging road which created self-confidence, a new familiarity with art techniques, endurance, a connection with old friends, expressions of gratitude with the people in my life and lots of positive feedback (even though sometimes I feel my husband is the only person reading my blog:)
This set of postcards goes - once again - out to the teachers of my children as a humble sign of appreciation for all their hard work!

329/365, sent to Seattle, WA

330/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

331/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

332/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

333/365, hand-delivered in Bellevue, WA

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