Tuesday, December 11, 2012

hand-made gifts

As a child and teenager, I savored the pre-holiday season. We had an unspoken rule in our home to make gifts for other family members instead of buying goods. I remember sitting at my desk, listening to classical music and creating things. I have no recollection of what I made, but a strong sense of the peace, quiet and deep satisfaction the making of gifts instilled in me.

As we are celebrating this year's Hanukkah season so early in the year, we have decided in our small family unit to save one night for home-made gifts. We threw each person's name twice in a basket and every family member had to draw two names. The past few weeks have been exciting seeing what each and every one - children and adults alike - came up with. We are all excited to both give and receive our hand-made treasures on one of the nights to come.

These watercolor cards below will accompany the hand-made gift giving frenzy.

334/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

335/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

336/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

337/365, sent to Bliesdorf, Germany

338/365, sent to Seattle, Wa

339/365, hand-delivered in Seattle

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