Saturday, December 29, 2012

unexpected gains

As I was labeling an envelope the other day, I found myself noticing that my handwriting had changed. It has become curvier, more sophisticated, slightly more beautiful. I was taken by surprise and wondered how that had happened. I am not entirely sure, but I am assuming that one year of training my hand-eye coordination by drawing a postcard every day has paid of in unexpected ways.

It feels a bit like the wondrous results of cross training: I am a swimmer by heart, but like to engage in Yoga or gym exercise as well. I will find myself surprised at the strength in my arms and legs when I jump into the water after a long hiatus and discover that I have only grown stronger exercising my body in these other domains.

When I look at my new handwriting, I will hopefully always be reminded of this year of trying something entirely new!

358/365, sent to Venice, CA

359/365, sent to Duesseldorf, Germany

360/365, sent to Seattle, WA

361/365, sent to Seattle, WA

362/365, sent to Seattle, WA

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