Thursday, June 14, 2012

daily consumption

Last December, the day I decided to start my postcard project, I had spent an hour browsing through the art section of our beloved local bookstore Third Place Books. I had come across a book that featured artist and designer Kate Bingaman-Burt of Portland. I was intrigued by her idea to document her personal act of consumption through her simple, yet beautiful drawings. In her blog - - Kate continues to illustrate something she purchased every day. The theme of my next five postcards are not so much about monetary consumption, but about food. Five things I consume pretty much on a daily basis for breakfast. What is on your breakfast menu?

149/365, sent to Mrusfreeboro, TN

150/365, sent to Lanaken, Belgium

151/365, sent to Bern, Switzerland

153/365, sent to Hawaii, US ?

153/365, sent to Berlin Germany ?

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