Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer is here

These colorful postcards were inspired by the book Water Paper Paint, by Heather Smith Jones. I painted them on one big sheet of watercolor paper and then cut them to size to send out as postcards. Did I mention that summer is here and my children are out of school?  With that, finding time to do art and keep up with the documentation of my postcard project is challenging.  But I am sure I will get into this new rhythm and enjoy every minute of having my kids around.  The best moments are when we all do art together and my children are inspired to create something on their own or design a postcard as well. 

170/365, sent to Bellevue, WA
171/365, sent to Bellevue, Wa
172/365, sent to Bellevue, WA
173/365, sent to Bellevue, WA
174/365, sent to Bellevue, WA
175/365, sent to Bellevue, WA

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